“One of the most remarkable young guitarists to come on to the international classical guitar scene....with deep feelings for the music he played and an unrelenting musical vision in everything....a truly accomplished and refined musician.”
“One of the most remarkable young guitarists to come on to the international classical guitar scene....with deep feelings for the music he played and an unrelenting musical vision in everything....a truly accomplished and refined musician.”
Matt's groundbreaking book, The Virtuoso Guitarist, is now available!
Matt’s A-M-I scale method is now available!
Matt's book review by Classical Guitar Review
Guitar International review of Matt’s book
Matt’s feature in Premier Guitar Magazine
Matt’s “Up and Coming Guitarist of the Year” award
Matt’s debut CD is here!
Roger Cope’s review of Matt’s debut CD
Brad Conroy’s review of Matt’s debut CD
Matt Palmer is now a Strings By Mail sponsored artist
Read Matt’s interview with Guitar International
Watch Matt’s webcam interview with Classical Guitar
© copyright 2018 Matt Palmer. All rights reserved.