Matt Palmer - Sonata Sentimental - (physical CD)
$14.99 USD + shipping
New Release! Available today!
Featuring the world premiere recording of Rafael Scarfullery's epic Sonata Sentimental, and works of Rudnev, Barrios, Reis, and Narvaez.
"Sonata Sentimental" CD release Promo video
Matt Palmer - Appassionata - (physical CD)
Appassionata $14.99 USD + shipping
Featuring works of Weiss, Miranda, Asencio, Barrios, a rare recording of Assad's "Eli's Portrait," and the world premiere recording of Olga Amelkina-Vera's "The Heaven's Hundred."
Matt Palmer - Un tiempo fue Itálica famosa - (physical CD)*SOLD OUT more on the way
$14.99 USD + shipping
Matt's debut CD, featuring works of Turina, Ponce, Tarrega, Giuliani, and rarely performed virtuoso pieces by Sergei Rudnev, Joaquin Rodrigo, and Stepan Rak.
“Un tiempo fue Italica famosa is an album of the highest quality. Palmer performs with flawless technique, deep levels of personal expression, and an artistic integrity that seems far too rare these days. He delivers a first rate performance on each track, and performs with such a deep knowledge of the music it leaves no doubt that he is on his way to becoming one of the best classical guitarists on the planet.”
- Brad Conroy, Guitar International
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“A sense of celebration, a sustained rock-solid technique, and flashes of brilliance keep this program cycling in the ear. Artistic brooding is paired with an often playful sense of "controlled" freedom. Through it all there is a performance quality that denies the player ever practiced; so precise is every gesture, so deliberate and secure is each complex figure, and so steady and unwavering is the speed, that there is a general impression Palmer was simply beamed fully formed to Earth on a blue shaft of light and started playing a guitar this way.”
- Classical Voice of North Carolina
**read the full review